Waste reduction and management in tourism enterprises is the compass that guides us towards a more sustainable journey, where conscious choices and responsible practices pave the way for a harmonious coexistence between travel and the preservation of our precious destinations, ensuring that the footprints we leave behind are ones of respect, stewardship, and a brighter future for both travelers and the environment.
November 2024
5 weeks
250€ (under 23)400€
A redução e gestão de resíduos em empreendimentos turísticos é um aspeto importante da sustentabilidade no setor do turismo. Com o aumento do turismo global, surge a necessidade de abordar o impacto ambiental e social causado pelos resíduos gerados por essas empresas.
O curso Waste Reduction and Management in Tourism Enterprises (Redução e Gestão de Resíduos em Empreendimentos Turísticos) tem como objetivo principal minimizar a quantidade de resíduos gerados, promover a reciclagem e reutilização de materiais, além de adotar práticas adequadas de descarte de resíduos para proteger o meio ambiente.
Este curso faz parte de uma Pós-graduação com 6 módulos. Caso tenha interessante em participar em algum dos outros módulos, entre em contacto connosco ou consulte a Pós-graduação Sustainable Strategies for Tourism & Hospitality.
Conteúdo deste curso:
O curso Waste Reduction and Management in Tourism Enterprises (Redução e Gestão de Resíduos em Empreendimentos Turísticos) abrange uma variedade de tópicos relacionados com a sustentabilidade e melhores práticas na gestão de resíduos.
O programa será adaptado para ir de encontro às necessidades específicas dos participantes. Para além das sessões teóricas, existe uma parte prática que inclui estudos de caso, workshops e atividades de discussão que promovem a troca de experiências entre os participantes.
Um dos desafios mais importantes a ser abordado será a mudança de mentalidade e cultura organizacional.
A implementação de práticas sustentáveis de gestão de resíduos requer uma mudança de hábitos e comportamentos tanto dos funcionários como dos hóspedes, e isso pode ser um desafio mais significativo.
Este curso é adequado a profissionais que desempenham papéis de liderança, gestão ou tomada de decisão em organizações do setor do turismo. Os participantes podem vir de diferentes áreas, como:
Full Professor at NOVA FCT
Graça holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering (social systems), a MSc in Sanitary Engineering and a BSc in Environmental Engineering, all at NOVA FCT.
Currently holds the following positions: President of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; member of the Board of the research center MARE – Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences; coordinator of the MARE NOVA regional unit; member of the steering committee of the Associated Laboratory ARNET – Aquatic Research NETwork; member of the Monitoring Committee of the Portuguese Environment Agency (CAGER); President of the Technical Commission for Standardization – Waste (CT 209), of the Institute of Welding and Quality (ISQ), monitoring European (CEN/CENELEC/ETSI) and international ((ISO/IEC) waste standards. She was also Student Ombudsman at NOVA (2018-2021), Vice Dean of NOVA FCT for scientific and academic matters (2011-2018), and President of NOVA.ID (2014-2018). S
Her teaching and research fields are: planning and policy instruments for management of waste, special waste streams management, waste collection systems, mechanical processing and material recycling, waste management models for the circular economy and social psychology applied to behaviors towards waste. It is in these areas that she supervises master’s dissertations and doctoral theses and coordinates as an investigator responsible for several research and development projects
She is co-coordinator of the National Waste Management Plan (PNGR 2020-25) and the Strategic Plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2020-25) and author of several scientific articles and co-author of the well-known books “Practical Manual for Waste Management” (Verlag Dashöfer Professional Editions) and “Waste Management” (Open University), widely used by university students and waste sector professionals, and the book “Sustainable Solid Waste Collection and Management” (Springer International Publishing), awarded the 1st prize from the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), the ISWA Publication Award 2019.
Assistant Professor at NOVA FCT
Ana Silveira has a PhD in Sanitary Engineering and a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from NOVA FCT. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, where she teaches subjects related to waste management.
She is also a researcher at MARE – Centre for Marine and Environmental Sciences and ARNET – Associated Laboratory. She is a member of Waste@Nova and founder of the European Compost Network in 2003.
She specialises in bio-waste management and has taken part in several studies, including the preliminary study on the implementation of selective bio-waste collection in mainland Portugal (Ernst & Young and NOVAIDFCT, 2018-19) and the coordination of the study Defining a methodology for drawing up municipal bio-waste collection studies (Fundo Ambiental, 2020).
She has also coordinated R&D projects with industry for the development of new materials, namely Be Nature – Development of biodegradable leather & footwear (QREN, 2010-2013), Skin UpCycle – Developing skin for sustainability (Portugal 2020/Compete 2020, 2018-2020), Industrial-scale assessment of the behaviour of packaging marked with “Ok Compost” according to standard EN 13432:2000 (Sociedade Ponto Verde, 2021). She is a speaker at various conferences and specialised forums.
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