Research is the nerve centre of our School’s world-class academic excellence.
With more than 1000 academic and researcher staff we are proud actually the most notable and recognized technology school in Portugal, having many talented scientists whom produced excellent and received many grants from the European Research Council – ERC – whose mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-driven frontier research across all fields, on the basis of scientific excellence. Until now FCT NOVA has obtained 9 ERC Scholarships, which attests the School’s involvement in cutting-edge international research.
More than 90% of the Research and Development Units of our School obtained a classification of Excellent or Very Good on the last evaluation exercise carried out by the Foundation for Science and Technology, with the lead of independent international panels.
FCT NOVA is organised into 14 Departments with qualified infrastructures and facilities, 15 Research Units, a spin-off incubator (Madan Parque), an interface institute (UNINOVA) and a structure dedicated to R&D+I project management (NOVA.ID.FCT).
CEFITEC is a research centre bringing together researchers on Physical Engineering, Applied Physics, Physics, Technological Physics and Biophysical sciences. We approach these fundamental and applied areas of science by applying unique analytical and technical approaches with complementary techniques and facilities on an international environment.
Interdisciplinary research in environmental sciences and engineering, on the interaction between human and natural systems, to promote sustainable development.
The mission of CERIS is to create and disseminate scientific knowledge and to promote innovation in the Built and Natural Environment sector through the active involvement in fundamental and applied research, at both national and international levels, and to enhance higher education and research training. To accomplish its mission, CERIS operates under a clear set of objectives and organizes its activity in thematic strands selected according to national and European policy guidelines.
CERIS coordinates knowledge and skills in the Built and Natural Environment sector under the following objectives: a) To promote quality research based on PhD programs; b) To transfer its expertise by providing specialized training, services and consulting; c) To ensure a wide dissemination of its results.
CIUHCT aims at unveiling the importance of the history of science, technology and medicine in the construction of European citizenship and identity, particularly by focusing on Portuguese case-studies and by bringing them to the international scene.
Special attention is given to the effects of geographical and geo-political contingency.
The mission of CTS is to perform fundamental and applied research, provide advanced education and training, disseminate knowledge, and stimulate technology transfer in major domains of electrical and computer engineering. CTS envisions developing a full-fledged Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) area of excellence at UNINOVA Institute and at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NOVA School of Science and Technology.
GeoBioTec pursues interdisciplinary studies on geophysics, geochemistry, biology, pedology, petrology, mineralogy, industrial minerals, geomaterials, geotechnics, isotope geology, hydrogeology, structural geology, volcanology and remote sensing. Based at the University of Aveiro, with 2 poles at the Universities Nova de Lisboa and Beira Interior, GeoBioTec comprises 5 research groups.
LAQV ‘s mission is to cooperate in a continuous, competent and efficient way to achieve a Sustainable development by promoting new technologies that aim to reduce or even eliminate undesirable substances in the design, production and uses of Chemicals.
The LIBPhys is one of the three groups of the new research unit LIBPhys (Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics) with 43 integrated members. Relying on the complementary know-how to strength and to perform more efficiently the future R&D activities, the main motivation for this merging is theoptimization of the human and material resources, deepening the already existing synergies. The R&D activities of LIBPhys are developed in the areas of atomic, molecular, nuclear physics and electronic & industrial automation instrumentation with applications to analytical methods, radiation detection, and biomedical engineering.
MARE constitutes a large Centre for research, technological development and innovation. The objective of MARE is to seek excellence in the study of aquatic ecosystems and disseminate knowledge to support policies for sustainable development.
* coordinated by MARE-NOVA
To provide solutions for a cleaner, safer and sustainable world and to contribute to social and economic benefits, e.g. the research and development oriented towards the end user, bringing solutions to market problems and articulated with the regional development plans and strategies.
To fulfill its mission the objectives are:
NOVA LINCS develops cutting edge scientific research in key areas of Computer Science and Informatics, in cooperation with the international research community, knowledge and technology user communities, and local academic/industrial partners and other public institutions.
The main mission of NOVA Math is to promote and support cutting-edge scientific research in pure and applied Mathematics. The center brings together a team of researchers who organize themselves into research groups and thematic lines. In addition to internal collaborations, the center promotes and supports scientific networks, meetings and publications, as well as research projects in partnership with other groups and institutions, many of which are interdisciplinary consortia. NOVA Math contributes to advanced education by fostering courses, seminars and integrating research fellows, post-docs, and PhD students. The center also contributes to raising awareness of Mathematics in society as a whole through its outreach activities.
Algebra and Logic Analysis Operations Research Statistics and Risk Management
Biomathematics Data Science Mathematics for Health
UCIBIO’s key strength lies on its broad scope of fundamental and applied research standing at the interface of Chemistry and Biology to address pertinent questions at atomic, molecular, sub-cellular and cellular levels, including cell-to-cell interactions and population evolutionary dynamics.
Achieve world class Excellence in research, development and entrepreneurial results in the scientific areas of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Management.
The Research Unit VICARTE – Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes (Glass and Ceramic for the Arts) is devoted to the promotion of transdisciplinary research applied to glass and ceramics, focusing on the intersections between art and science, and stimulating the sharing of knowledge, experiences and methodologies between these two areas.
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