Samsung Innovation Campus

Artificial Intelligence Course

Artificial Intelligence Program by SAMSUNG

Samsung Innovation Campus is part of Samsung Electronics’ vision for its global citizenship initiative, Enabling People, focused on the technologies that will help shape the future.


The Artificial Intelligence Course, taught in partnership with NOVA School of Science and Technology and integrated into this global initiative, offers new generations the opportunity to strengthen their skills in technology and provides the tools and applications needed to put young people at the forefront, improve their job prospects and acquire practical training in technologies, through classroom learning.


The 5th edition of the Artificial Intelligence course starts on September 11, 2023, and there are only 30 places, so if you want to participate, REGISTER until August 29 and discover all the potential that the future holds.

Why this Course?

You will learn Artificial Intelligence and Modeling through a concrete foundation of Mathematics.

Our curriculum will help you experience Machine Learning tools as well as real-world problem solving through various exercises and hands-on projects.

You will have an understanding and practical experience of the process of designing, implementing and communicating the results of an AI project.

All learning materials will be provided free of charge.

Course Highlights

Understand the basic concepts of Probability, Statistics, Linear Algebra, and Python.

Implement AI (Machine Learning + Deep Learning).

Understand the landscape of data science tools and their applications.

Learn the process of designing, implementing and communicating project results.