Fintech Innovation Programme

“Money is not everything, but is probably just second to oxygen”

The world of finance is intricately linked to our lives, and is responsible for driving the global engine of value creation. Our ability to understand the world of global finance is the single most critical skill that can leverage our ability to effectively use resources for optimising our personal, professional and organizational success. The world of global finance is changing rapidly with new innovations providing us with new financial opportunities. The Fintech Innovation programme is designed for giving an overview of the world of Financial Innovations that are taking place.

The programme will provide you with the following insights:

  • An overview of the entire financial service value chain and their intricate relationship
  • Innovations in payment infrastructure and services that can be utilised by today’s digital enterprise.
  • The emergence of blockchain based decentralised cryptocurrencies
  • The development of Central Bank Digital Currencies
  • Innovations in Insurance sector
  • Wealthtech and innovative ways to balance your portfolio for long term growth
  • Big Data and Machine Learning in the financial sector for enterprises to gain competitive advantages
  • Open Banking and Alternative banking systems that are challenging incumbent banks
  • Alternative lending systems
  • Social Responsibility and ESG

This programme will take place in the evenings including conceptual lectures as well as presenting you with insightful case studies from the industry. You will be supported to develop your own unique project to apply knowledge of fintech applications to your own business or entrepreneurial idea.

Who is this course meant for?

In today’s era of great economic and financial disruption, it is vital for all working professionals to have a deep understanding of the innovations taking place in the financial sector. Hence this course is designed to be a broad based overview for any professional whether he is an engineer, manager, technician, entrepreneur or whether connected to financial services.  This course is designed to bring you up to speed with the latest in financial innovations and give you a taste of the emerging enterprises and startups in the financial space, while providing you a deeper insight to our global financial ecosystem. Prior knowledge of finance based education or work experience in the financial industry is not a requirement.

Format of the course?

One of the unique features of this course is to have a mix of an in-depth theoretical lecture followed by a real life industrial case study for each topic. This will provide a deep understanding for the participants for all of the key aspects of the fintech revolution.

The course will take place at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal as a hybrid classroom and simultaneous video conference format. This means you can participate in the programme whether you are in Lisbon or anywhere in the world. You will also have access to the class recordings in case you miss a particular session. Thus this programme is aimed for a global audience and designed to provide you with maximum flexibility for your participation.

The course will be provided in English and Portuguese based on the composition and preference of the students.

Capstone Project

The students will be encouraged to identify one of the topics covered in the programme to develop their business case. This could be based on a real life existing business or a conceptual business idea. Students can work in teams or individually (in case they want to develop the application for their own business). Our team of professionals will provide you mentorship for the development of your business idea. You will present this final project in the last class.

Certification of “Expert in Financial Technology”

All students participating in the programme will be given a participation certificate for the programme. However those students who will participate in all the lectures and will apply the skills acquired in the Capstone Project will be given a certificate of “Expert in Financial Technology” by NOVA Executive Education.

Ricardo Ribeiro
Chief Transformation Officer at Montepio Crédito
Co-coordinator Fintech Innovation Program.


AESE, IESE, SAP e FCT NOVA Lançam curso de Analytics e AI

Num mundo em mudança e digital, quando muitas empresas oferecem produtos e serviços similares e com as mesmas tecnologias, a utilização estratégica dos dados para criar produtos, serviços e processos de negócios de elevada performance é uma das últimas dimensões de diferenciação e otimização.

Os gestores têm cada vez mais informação, dados de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa, e devem saber manipulá-los e analisá-los para suportar a tomada de decisão, as operações, a gestão do risco e a estratégia num ambiente incerto e arriscado indo além da transformação digital, alavancando-se na AI, em business intelligence e em novas metodologias e sistemas.

O programa está concebido para abrir horizontes e potenciar conhecimentos, ajudando a liderar os esforços organizacionais no sentido de se retirar o máximo de valor dos dados e da informação, incluindo uma perspetiva de responsabilidade e proteção dos dados. Não são necessários conhecimentos técnicos, matemáticos ou de programação.

NOVA FCT no top europeu da Investigação

Elvira Fortunato e Cecília Roque, ambas professoras e investigadoras da NOVA School of Science and Technology | NOVA FCT, acabam de receber duas bolsas Proof of Concept do European Research Council (ERC), a mais reputada instituição de atribuição de fundos para a investigação científica e tecnológica na Europa.  

A NOVA FCT reforça assim a sua posição pioneira liderando o número de bolsas ERC: passa de nove para 11.

Diminuir o lixo eletrónico: Esta é a terceira bolsa ERC para Elvira Fortunato, professora do Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais e investigadora e diretora do CENIMAT|i3N, que a conquista agora com o projeto “e-GREEN: From forest to electronics: green graphene”. O projeto surge como resposta ao aumento do lixo eletrónico que é já o fluxo de resíduos com maior crescimento, acumulando-se 250 milhões de toneladas anuais

Vigiar o cancro: Liderado por Cecília Roque, professora do Departamento de Química e Investigadora Principal do Laboratório de Engenharia Biomolecular da Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas (UCIBIO), o projeto “ENSURE: Non-invasive follow-up of urinary tract cancers” consiste na criação de um inovador método de vigilância do cancro da bexiga, não invasivo, rápido e de baixo custo – fazendo uso do “nariz eletrónico” tecnologia desenvolvida numa bolsa ERC anterior atribuída à investigadora (“SCENT: Hybrid Gels for Rapid Microbial Detection”). Este nariz eletrónico inclui materiais sustentáveis sensíveis a gases, e um dispositivo que recorre a algoritmos de inteligência artificial para fazer a distinção de um conjunto de odores. Com base nesta tecnologia e em resultados preliminares da equipa, estão estabelecidas as bases para a aplicação clínica no diagnóstico e seguimento de pacientes.

Parabéns às duas investigadoras da NOVA FCT que mais uma vez colocam Portugal na linha da frente nos avanços científicos e tecnológicos tão importantes para a humanidade.

Artificial Intelligence Program

On January 13th, with scholarships supported 100% by Samsung Electronics, the 2nd edition of this programme will start, aimed at young people who wish to learn but above all apply the enormous potential of Artificial Intelligence in the future.

10 Breakthrough Technologies 2021

In this review by MIT, you’ll find a brief description along with a link to a feature article that probes each technology in detail. 

From no mobility to future mobility

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted mobility, and its effects will linger well into next year. How will changing consumer preferences, technologies, and regulations shape the market in 2021?

Read full article from McKinsey

NOVA FCT selecionada pela Samsung para lançamento do Samsung Innovation Campus

Este programa mundial da Samsung já formou mais de 110.000 alunos em todo o mundo. Em Portugal o projeto começa já no próximo dia 21 de Junho 2021 com o Programa de Inteligência Artificial, um programa de 10 semanas, para apenas 20 alunos, em que os mesmos terão a oportunidade de aprender Inteligência Artificial e Modelação através de uma base concreta de Matemática, e experimentar as ferramentas de Machine Learning, assim como a resolução de problemas do mundo real através de vários exercícios e projetos práticos.

Para mais informações sobre este programa aceda a este link

Daniel Kahneman: ‘Clearly AI is going to win. How people are going to adjust is a fascinating problem’

Read interview here

Industry 4.0: Emerging Trends Shaping the Future of Work & Business

From factory floors to creative suites, the future of work is changing. Emerging technologies have exposed opportunities for new business endeavors, impressive efficiencies and novel solutions to tough systemic challenges.

Read the full article

Deep tech: the great wave of innovation

In this report, BCG will outline the deep tech approach: the “why now” question; and the characteristics that participants must understand in order to partake and thrive in the deep tech ecosystem.

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