Posgraduation “Agile Transformation in Tourism & Hospitality”

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”

Stephen Hawking, Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist & Author

  • Next Date

    October 2024

  • Length

    3 months

  • Format

    Live Online

  • Investment

    750€ | 1.500€

Posgraduation “Agile Transformation in Tourism & Hospitality”

The Agile Manifesto was originally written to help software developers satisfy and surprise their customers by anticipating and responding to their needs. Over the past 25 to 30 years, the success rate of software development has increased considerably, quality and speed to market have improved, and the motivation and productivity of IT teams have increased. This unquestionable success is now attainable by companies in various fields and industries, particularly in Tourism and Hospitality (T&H).


Several companies in the industry like Booking.com, IHG Hotels & Resorts, or even Ryanair are adopting Agile principles in the search for fast and effective responses to market changes and uncertainties, embracing one of its most important principles – emphasis on people rather than process.

Course content

The Postgraduate in Agile Transformation in Tourism & Hospitality aims to share knowledge of the various frameworks, practices and tools of Agile, designed to understand the priorities of companies and develop projects that require speed and flexibility, allowing its participants to acquire skills, mindsets and behaviors appropriate to achieving great results and optimizing resources.

At the end of the Postgraduate, participants will have acquired the necessary and fundamental knowledge to apply the Agile approach in their teams and organizations, paving the way for results with better quality and less risk than following traditional approaches. When implemented correctly, these methodologies result in increased productivity, more diverse and dynamic teamwork, and faster time to market for new products or services.

Learning outcomes
  • Understand how Agile works and in which areas of your business it can and should be implemented;
  • Develop an Agile mindset that goes beyond technology;
  • View change and also the industry’s high volatility as an opportunity and challenge in your day to day life;
  • Mastering the theoretical principles and tools of Agile in various areas and sectors of Tourism and Hospitality;
  • Understand and explore the practical application in project/product management, from discovery, design and prototyping to managing the Kanban framework/processes, Lean, measuring and analyzing the results through agile and objective metrics.

Participants Profile

The variable people in the T&H sector is becoming more and more relevant and differentiating, so that an adequate training of these people is a strategic issue in the sector. It is the employees who, by combining the theoretical and the practical, make the results of any positive action visible. The T&H professional, besides being an important part of the service, is the one who acts in order to make the tourist/customer experience a unique and memorable moment.

This ambitious program to empower the industry with Agile and transformative skills is aimed at:

  • General Managers and other business managers in the sector;
  • Operational/business unit managers
  • Hotel departmental managers
  • Other participants with backgrounds in management, economics, and engineering who want to enter the T&H industry.
Program Coordination
Nélia Câmara

Diretor of Executive Education at NOVA FCT, Founder of Connect You, N Lab and Nita’s House

After working for more than 20 years in the corporate world, she founded two brands in the consultancy field – Connect You and N Lab- to leverage her experience in managing large multidisciplinary teams.

She recently accepted the challenge of being Director of the ExecutiveEducation at NOVA FCT, having worked for the last 2 years as President of the Faculty Council of this same faculty.

Passionate about team development and business strategy, Nélia has an agile mindset with a strong focus on “results orientated”. She is characterised by being a “fast thinker” and an inclusive leader.

Nélia has over 20 years of solid experience in Global Management of complex multicultural and multidisciplinary projects, with extensive experience of team leadership, multitasking and dynamic multicultural skills.

Carlos Silva Júnior

CEO at Conexão Agil

Invited Professor and Speaker

Carlos Júnior is an expert in Digital Transformation and Agile, with 25 years of experience in Technology and Business, projects and consulting. Professor of Post-Graduation courses at NOVA FCT, Fundação Dom Cabral, IBMEC and PUC Minas as well as in corporate training programs, with solid experience in technology and innovation project management, having worked in large companies of various segments.

Carlos has a master’s degree in Human Resources Management and Organizational Behaviors from Instituto Miguel Torga in Portugal, an MBA in Project Management, and a degree in Software Engineering.

Throughout his professional career, Carlos Junior has supported companies in their challenges to improve processes and define strategy and purpose, aiming to achieve high productivity in their activities and better results in delivering value to customers.

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