Postgraduation “Sustainable Strategies for Tourism & Hospitality”

Sustainability is not an option, it’s an imperative. It’s the only way to ensure that tourism continues to benefit communities and protect the planet for generations to come.

Randy Durband, CEO of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

  • Next Date

    October 2024

  • Length

    6 months

  • Format


  • Investment

    750€ (under 23) 1.500€

Postgraduation “Sustainable Strategies for Tourism & Hospitality”

Tourism is an important driver of economic development, both globally and locally. The sector contributes directly to 4.4% of GDP, 6.9% of employment and 21.5% of service exports in OECD countries on average. New models for the tourism sector offer real prospects for sustainable and inclusive development.


Therefore, integrated policies with a long-term perspective are needed to ensure that tourism development provides benefits for people, local territories and communities, and businesses and safeguards natural capital, which is essential for any tourism model. These policies require sustainable practices, taking into account that climate change is the biggest threat to the sector.


This Postgraduation has six compulsory modules. However, candidates can choose to take only one or more of the available modules, and at the end, they will only receive a certificate of completion for the module(s) taken.

Course Content

This Postgraduation has six compulsory modules. However, candidates can choose to take only one or more of the available modules and, in the end, only obtain a certificate of completion for the module(s) taken.

The modules included in the Postgraduate Programme last five weeks, with classes twice a week after work. You can consult the detailed content of each module in the links below.


Module 01. ESG Value Creation in Tourism & Hospitality

Module 02. Heritage Preservation and Sustainability

Module 03. Waste reduction and management in tourism enterprises

Module 04. Tourism and sustainable water use: Supply, demand, and security

Module 05. Sustainable Construction and Rehabilitation of Tourist and Hospitality Industry Facilities

Module 06. Climate Neutrality and Resilience in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Learning Outcomes

This Postgraduation aims to present sustainability as a factor in creating value and competitiveness for the tourism and hospitality industry, introducing its professionals to the trends and best practices in sustainability, enabling them to respond to the many current and future challenges.


The learning objectives of this Postgraduation are:

  • To learn about sustainability practices in the T&H sector in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals;
  • To understand how to value natural capital (e.g. biodiversity and local ecosystems), human capital (e.g. local communities and human resource management) and cultural capital (e.g. heritage);
  • Understand how to carry out ESG reporting;
  • Understand how to protect and preserve heritage;
  • Understand how to manage waste properly and reduce waste;
  • Understand how to make sustainable use of water;
  • Know examples of how to build and renovate holiday resorts in a sustainable way;
  • Know how to draw up and monitor a strategy for carbon neutrality in line with the sector’s commitment under the Glasgow Declaration (2021) and international best practices.

Participants Profile

This Postgraduation is suitable for a wide range of professional profiles in the tourism and hospitality sector who want to implement sustainability practices and meet the challenge of climate change.

Examples include:

  • Entrepreneurs and managers who want to ensure that their organisation is prepared to respond to the challenges and latest trends in the area of sustainability;
  • Innovation and/or sustainability and/or environment and quality directors and technicians;
  • Students in the fields of environment and/or resource efficiency and sustainability;
  • Entrepreneurs who have (or are planning) a business in the T&H industry.
  • Managers of operational/business units with ambitions to progress to leadership at the corporate level;
  • Hotel department managers seeking promotion to General Manager;
Program Coordination
Júlia Seixas

Pro-Rector of the NOVA University of Lisbon

She is Pro-Rector of NOVA University of Lisbon, where she coordinates the sustainability area and the NOVA 4 The Globe platform since November 2021. She teaches at NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT) of NOVA University of Lisbon, where she chaired the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering from 2017 to 2022.

She is a member of the ethics committee of NOVA FCT. He was a member of the scientific council of NOVA FCT between 2014 and 2020. She coordinated the Energy & Climate group at the CENSE research centre, between 2008 and 2021, dedicated to R&D in climate neutrality and resilience of energy systems. Her studies resulted in more than a dozen pieces of legislation and two vision documents, including the Long-Term Strategy for the carbon neutrality of the Portuguese economy until 2050, submitted to the UNFCCC by the Portuguese government.

Júlia Seixas was recognised by the Nobel Peace Prize of the Nobel Foundation in 2007 for her contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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