Climate Neutrality and Resilience in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Climate change will impact tourism and hospitality industry more than anything else in the next three decades. Cultivating climate neutrality and resilience is our commitment to harmonizing progress and preservation, and to ensure we step towards a safer, more sustainable path.

  • Next Date

    February 2025

  • Length

    5 weeks

  • Format


  • Investment

    250€ (under 23) 400€

Climate Neutrality and Resilience in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

The Climate Neutrality and Resilience in Tourism and Hospitality Industry course begins by structuring concepts and providing an overview of how the issue of climate change is now on the political, market and civil society agenda and how it impacts and is impacted by tourism and hospitality industry.


The course develops the aspects of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate adaptation, highlighting the importance of and offering tools for i) understanding, assessing and managing climate risks over time and ensuring the resilience of activities and businesses; ii) understanding and quantifying climate impacts along the business value chain, neutralising these impacts and simultaneously gaining competitiveness and creating value.


Particular emphasis will be placed on analysing the state-of-the-art climate integration in the T&H industry and discussing (new) trends and good practices.

The course is based on a programme that brings together experienced teaching staff and practitioners and aims to provide industry professionals with structured knowledge on the subject and decision-making support skills for its internalisation.


This course is part of a six-module Postgraduation. If you are interested in participating in any other modules, please contact us or visit the Sustainable Strategies for Tourism & Hospitality Postgraduation page.

Course Content

This course is part of a six-module Postgraduation. If you are interested in participating in any other modules, please contact us or visit the Sustainable Strategies for Tourism & Hospitality Postgraduation page.





  • Key concepts;
  • Policy framework (from the Paris Agreement to the Basic Climate Law);
  • Voluntary initiatives (e.g. markets, incl. finance);
  • Climate change and the T&H industry.



  • Climate risk assessment;
  • Adaptive management and resilience to climate change;
  • State-of-the-art in the tourism sector;
  • Seminar (with external guest): reflecting on the climate resilience of tourism in Portugal.



  • Inventories of greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Climate neutrality strategies (net zero);
  • State-of-the-art and trends in the T&H industry;
  • Seminar (with external guest): reflecting on climate neutrality in tourism in Portugal.
Learning Outcomes

The Climate Neutrality and Resilience in Tourism and Hospitality Industry course will give you a better understanding of the multiple challenges and opportunities that climate change poses to the tourism and hospitality industry and will help you develop fundamental skills to reflect on and decide on an action strategy that guarantees, in a coherent and articulated way, the transition to climate neutrality and the climate adaptation and resilience of operations and the business.

Participants Profile

The Climate Neutrality and Resilience in Tourism and Hospitality Industry course is suitable for a variety of professionals and students who play important roles in the implementation and success of operations in the tourism sector.

Here are some examples of participant profiles:

  • Sustainability advisors and consultants;
  • Trainers and researchers in sustainable tourism;
  • Government agencies related to tourism;
  • Regional governments or public tourism companies;
  • Public-private tourism development organisations;
  • Museums and tourist centres;
  • Managers and leaders of tourism companies, hotels and resorts;
  • Managers of tour operators;
  • Decision-makers involved in non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
Program Coordination
Sandra Martinho

Managing partner of Lasting Values

She has been working on climate and sustainability for 25 years. She began her career at NOVA FCT, teaching for ten years. She took part in several landmark studies to support environmental policy in Portugal. She was a climate advisor to the Portuguese government, a national delegate to the UNFCCC and a member of the European Commission’s EU Further-Action Group for Climate Change (2000/04).

In 2004, she co-founded a consultancy and development company in environmental and energy economics and engineering, a national benchmark in its areas of activity. In 2005, she launched the first voluntary carbon market instrument in Portugal, winner of a Stevie® Award, whose operation has expanded to Spain and Brazil.

A specialist in the economics of natural resources, net zero, climate resilience and the (bio-)circular economy, she has solid skills and vast experience in executive management and consultancy, anchored in a long history of leading projects in organisations and companies from different sectors and geographies.

She is the managing partner of Lasting Values.

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