Maritime Logistics Business and Operations

Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of Maritime Logistics. Our intensive course equips you with the skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of global supply chains.


As the maritime industry continues to expand, so do your career prospects.

  • Next Date

    15 April

  • Length

    2 months

  • Format

    B - learning

  • Investment

    Starting at 1.000€

Maritime Logistics Business and Operations

In today’s rapidly evolving global economy, the significance of Maritime Logistics Business and Operations cannot be overstated. The maritime industry serves as a critical backbone for international trade and commerce, playing a pivotal role in the transportation of goods across borders. The dynamic nature of the market, characterized by technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, and ever-changing consumer demands, underscores the importance of individuals equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills in maritime logistics.


The Maritime Logistics Business and Operations executive program degree is designed for professionals with the aim of bridging the gap between industry needs and academic offerings, encompassing both technical skills and soft skills, fostering critical thinking, and a proactive attitude that enables tackling the complexities of the logistics, ports, and maritime transportation sector.



Participants can assist the full course (3 modules) or only select one or 2 modules. The investment will vary:

Value for each module: €1,100

Value for 3 modules: €3.000

Course Content

The course ‘Maritime Logistics Business and Operations’ covers a variety of topics relevant to professionals and managers from various industries. It is organized into three modules that includes hybrid sessions, focusing on in-person interactions with a guest speaker known for their originality and creativity:


  • Module 1: It begins with Maritime Business Analysis, in which ship and fleet business are analysed: cycles, tariffs (liner and tramp) and investment/divestment.
  • Module 2: it continues with “Maritime Logistics Technology” where identifying the different technologies and their functional relationships with the logistic operations is addressed.
  • Module 3: it will conclude with “Operations Management” in which you will learn decision making tools: linear programming, decision trees, waiting lines models, network models, simulation. Operations management and control will also be addressed with a focus on sequence of operations, rules and priorities and Lean Management and Six Sigma.


In summary, the course ‘Maritime Logistics Business and Operations’ provides a unique experience that combines theory and practice, focusing on the development of skills to tackle challenges and create opportunities in the maritime industry.

Learning Outcomes
  • Understand the nature of the diverse types of businesses within the maritime logistics chain, and of its revenue and cost components.
  • Evaluate revenues, costs and proceedings of the maritime logistics activities.
  • Identify investment/divestment needs and analyze and assess investment projects.
  • Apply risk analysis tools to the business and to investment projects.
  • Understand the importance of Operations Management for organizations.
  • Know and be able to use simulation tools.
  • Identify the ISO standards applicable to the context of maritime operations.
  • Develop problem solving skills.
  • Apply Six sigma and Apply Lean management tools to identify and reduce “waste”.
  • Understand the technological multiplicity of the maritime logistics.
  • Identify the different technologies and their functional relationships with the logistic operations.
  • Identify the opportunities brought by the new technological tendencies as well as the risks of ignoring them.
  • Structure and functionally specify the technologies required to the operations in the different domains of the maritime logistics chain.
  • Interact and negotiate with the technologies’ specialists.

Participants Profile

The contemporary economy demands adaptable, innovative, and strategically minded individuals in the realm of maritime logistics. The knowledge and skills acquired through a focus on Maritime Logistics Business and Operations provide a competitive edge, enabling professionals to not only navigate the complexities of the present but also to proactively shape the future of the global supply chain landscape.


The program fosters optimal technical and managerial preparation, oriented towards current and future challenges faced by the industry, such as digitalization and multicultural interconnectedness, combined with valuable on-field experience.


The program is designed for professionals seeking who aim to acquire new skills in maritime operations and logistics, or even requalify their professional competencies. The goal is to train specialists with an understanding of intermodal logistics schemes, value chains, and supply chain optimization, or to develop strategies that enable them to tackle the complexity of the sector and anticipate changes in demand.

Program Coordination
Helena Carvalho

Helena is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI) at NOVA FCT. Her know-how lies in interdisciplinary collaboration, where she merges concepts from engineering, management, sustainability, and technology to tackle practical challenges and advance knowledge. Since Dec 2023, she is the Director of UNIDEMI – Research and Development Unit for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

As the local PI for two pivotal international projects, MarLEM (Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management) and M4ML (Mobility for Maritime Logistics), funded by the European Commission and EAA Grants respectively, she played a key role in securing funding essential for the development of the innovative Master in Maritime Logistics and for the capacitation of NOVA FCT in the maritime logistics domain. These projects opened avenues for collaboration with international partners, including universities, clusters and industrial associations. The Master’s in Maritime Logistics is a joint program with the Naval Academy and was shaped to meet the training needs of international professionals in the maritime-port industry, integrating maritime logistics knowledge with essential soft skills.

Radu Godina

Radu has a Ph.D. in Engineering and Industrial Management obtained in July 2016. After two post-doctoral positions in different scientific areas, he initiated the collaboration with  NOVA FCT.

He appears twice on the “World’s Top 2% Scientists by University of Stanford” list, USA, in 2021 and 2022.

He took on the role of coordinator for the Master in Maritime Logistics in 2024, an innovative international joint program between NOVA FCT and the Portuguese Naval Academy.

Simultaneously, he spearheaded the international project “Mobility for Maritime Logistics (M4ML),” funded by EEA Grants, promoting bilateral exchange opportunities between Portugal and Norway in the Maritime Logistics field.

In terms of societal impact, he contributed to the development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for NOVA Cairo and evaluated projects for various funds, including MIT Portugal Program, Austrian Science Fund and Swiss Science Fund.

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