3D Printing for Healthcare

The healthcare sector is expected to be the fastest growing segment of the 3D printing market as innovations are integrated into specialisms.


In partnership with:
 NOVA Medical School                  


  • Next Date

    February 27 and 28, March 1 and 15, 2025

  • Length

    30 hours (22 hours in lessons + project) Project submission on May 9

  • Format

    On Campus

  • Investment


3D Printing for Healthcare

Every patient is unique.


From visualising the human anatomy in 3D to making a 3D printed model of a heart, we are getting closer and closer to providing specific, personalised care for everyone.


Advances in 3D printing in healthcare are capturing attention in the healthcare field thanks to their potential to improve the treatment of countless medical conditions. A radiologist, for example, could create an exact replica of a patient’s spine to help plan surgery; a dentist could digitise a broken tooth to make a crown that fits precisely in the patient’s mouth. In both cases, doctors can use 3D printing to make products that specifically match each patient’s anatomy.


And the technology is not limited to planning surgeries or producing personalised dental restorations; 3D printing has enabled the production of customised prosthetic limbs, cranial implants or orthopaedic implants such as hips and knees.


Increasing investments in R&D, rapid advances in technology and the rise of biomedical applications are expected to drive the growth of the global 3D printing market in healthcare.


The use of this technology to rapidly convert digital information into physical objects will increase its utilisation and adaptation in new healthcare applications.



Participants can register to take the exam at the end of the course to obtain the Certificate of Competence in Introductory Skills in Additive Manufacturing issued by IAMQS – International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System.

– Course: €1.400 – Certificate: €35

Course Content

The 3D Printing for Healthcare course: from problem to solution


The course focuses on quick and very practical strategies from data acquisition, model development, preparing the model for printing and finally post-processing.


The course is predominantly practical, with a small theoretical component, and ends with the realization of a project to be delivered by May 9.


The theoretical component will present the essential fundamentals of 3D printing and the main variants, as well as the existing methodologies in 3D printing common to various areas of health.


The practical component involves the use of three-dimensional modeling software, the use of 3D scanners and the transformation of DICOM files into printable files.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, participants should be able to:


  • Understand the technical principles, technologies and materials used in 3D printing and all the stages of the 3D printing process;
  • Transform DICOM images into editable files and/or create parts from scratch for different areas: rehabilitation, rheumatology, orthopaedics and surgery, dentistry, among others;
  • Developing parts using three-dimensional modelling programmes;
  • Selecting the appropriate 3D printing technology for the part under consideration;
  • Manipulate the files in order to obtain shapes that make the most of the technology under consideration;
  • Use the slicer to define the best printing orientation;
  • Select parameters, print and post-process the object.

Participants Profile

It is aimed at those who wish to start or improve their practice both clinically and for teaching purposes by developing skills in Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) applied to different areas of health, namely rehabilitation, rheumatology, orthopaedic surgery and dentistry.

Some examples:

  • Clinical Scientists
  • Orthopaedic surgeons
  • Medical imaging specialists
  • Radiologists
  • Surgeons
  • Clinical Engineers
  • Cardiovascular specialists
  • Paediatric specialists
  • Dentists
Program Coordination
Cláudia Quaresma

Assistant Professor & Researcher


Claúdia Quaresma, Occupational Therapist, has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and is an Assistant Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology – NOVA FCT and an effective member of the LIBPhys Research Centre. She is currently a member of the NOVA FCT Scientific Council, the Executive Committee of the NOVA FCT Physics Department and the IPBeja Evaluation and Quality Council as an external member.

She is also the coordinator of the 3D Printing Centre for Health and Guest Editor of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health/- Special Issue on Frontiers in Patient Rehabilitation and Technology, the author of scientific articles and book chapters, the holder of patents, has collaborated as a member of the editorial board and/or reviewer of internationally renowned journals, and has been a member of various Scientific Conference Committees. In the last five years he has coordinated around 20 projects in partnership with hospitals and companies and has 12 scientific, educational and innovation awards.

His scientific areas of research are related to biomechanics and the development of new technologies with a special focus on rehabilitation.

Bruno Soares

Invited Assistant Professor


Bruno Soares has a PhD in “Leaders for Technological Industries” under the MIT-PORTUGAL programme, and is an Assistant Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology – NOVA FCT. He is also an integrated member of UNIDEMI “Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial”.

Bruno is responsible for the 3D Printing and Reverse Engineering Laboratory and sub-coordinator of the 3D Printing Centre for Health. He is the author of scientific articles and book chapters and he is regularly invited as a reviewer for internationally renowned journals and has been a member of several Scientific Conference Committees.

His scientific areas of research are related to 3D printing, cost modelling and product development, especially when applied to medical solutions.

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