Teoria das Restrições

The underlying power of TOC flows from its ability to generate a tremendously strong focus towards a single goal and to removing the principal impediment (the constraint) to achieving more of that goal.

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  • Duração

    6 meses - 2 dias por semana

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  • Investimento


Teoria das Restrições
Visão geral

Organizations struggle to meet multiples challenges and objectives. Constant changes and improvements are in demand. It is possible to notice many efforts undertaken, but not within the achieved desired results. All areas of the companies are having local improvement projects such as in sales, marketing, operations, IT, finance, but these projects in isolation tend to achieve only small bottom-line results and their potential organizational improvement results impacts will be kept unknown and unexplored.


TOC methodologies are being widely applied to all sorts of organizational environments with transversal applicability.


To fill this gap NOVA FCT developed, in collaboration with Goldratt School, an International Executive Course Into Theory of Constraints (In2ToC), to support their efforts on the exploration of the highest impacts of their improvement management system efforts, providing with Goldratt School a unique approach based on the breakthrough philosophy of constraints management as introduced by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt in 1980s through his bestselling book ‘The Goal.’

The course

This course is a complete course with the fundamentals of theory of constraints, its principles and application in real life. It covers all standard TOC applications (in thinking, operations, distribution, projects and finance) that are currently helping individuals/organizations across the globe to achieve great results. This course also briefly covers ‘Thinking Processes’ of TOC to build your own solutions and applications. The course does not only cover the theoretical aspect of TOC but also the practical application in real life. The principles and the decision making process to support management actions.


  • The concept of flow applied to work processes and orders, to inventory and to project management from the TOC focusing perspective.
  • How to generate value through innovation.
  • How to apply an holistic improvement strategy for your company.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course you will
be able to:
  • Course objective is to give participants the knowledge to effectively apply TOC philosophy and methodologies in their organizations, in order to become expert change agents in TOC  implementation to support increased  organizational results.
  • Participants will acquire innovative knowledge and individual and group working tools that they can apply in their organizations to achieve the companies Goal and Investment expectation results.
  • This program brings a very rare combination of knowledge and practical application to ensure that this isn’t just another training or education program.
  • In2ToC course is designed to trigger learning by doing and achieving real impacts on the productivity, profitability and even the harmony  in the companies.


  • The course is most suited to top and middle managers although functional managers from a variety of industries and practices can also retrieve value.
  • Project Managers, consultants, and engineers are the most common participants of this Postgraduate.


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